This year Xmas started early as December showed to be perfect before the holidays even begun. At work, I finally received my Linuxbox, enabling me to get rid of the annoying Winedow$ setup. But this was only the beginning of the wonderful month.
December 19th TNT showed up at yours trulys address with a bundle of Hardware. Powerbook 15", iSight & printer our of the box. My road to zero administration had finally begun. In less than 1 hour i had a fully running Unix like system, namely my new apple. Everything easily setup, infact my mother could have done it blindfolded! That's how easy it was.
I found that some things where missing compared to my normal slackware box, but out of the box the experience was unique. This lead me to start this blog. As there is not enough room on for this technical stuff! So, I dedicate .dideriksen to gather these informations.
To get the powerbook running with my presious tools, I googled for OSX clones. First i same across a kewl emacs port, called Auquaemacs. Next I downed Firefox and Thunderbird. Finally, I downed the MacMame clone. These are the fout things I cannot live with out. With these tools installed I start looking for the rest of my slackware a like tools.