The next step I need is to get
apache running on my machine. I need it for maintaining my
website, not that I spend a lot of time maintaining this :)
I made a
stupid mistake, I completely forgot that
MAC OS X was based on
FreeBSD. So, I installed
apache and
PHP via darwinports. Installation went great though!
sudo port -v install apache2sudo port -v install phpIn case you ever need to install them ;) I then struggled and suffered for a while until I realized that all I had to do was to
enable the web server on my box, since it was already there!
The you'll have to update
apache to run with
PHP, if you need to do PHP stuff. Basically all you need to do is to remove the comments from the
PHP parts of
/etc/httpd/httpd.conf file.
You'll have to be super user to make this change so:
sudo emacs /etc/httpd/httpd.conf Change emacs with your favorite editor, if you prefer.
The remove the comments from these lines:
LoadModule php4_module libexec/httpd/, and
AddModule mod_php4.cUsually you'll have to add the application types, but my file was born with the IfModule mod_php4.c section I didn't
Add the lines:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .phpAddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phpsDirectoryIndex index.html index.php
Now all you have to do a small PHP page to test your new PHP enabled web server.
The web server has two sets of sites enabled. These are available from the UI the first one is, the machines main website
http://localhost present at the local path:
/Library/WebServer/Documents/The second one is
http://localhost/~user/ present in your home directory under
~/Documents/Sites/I never managed to get
PHP enabled in my specific user space. Not that it matters much since I simply use the main website on the box anyway.