September 06, 2007

Linux on a usb drive

Today I decided to play around with Linux on a usb drive. I want slackware but could not find zip slack. So I googled a bit and found wowarea and damn small linux these boch lead me to Slax. Slax is based on slackware. So I figured I better Download it.

I installed the Slax image on my usb stick, a 4GB pleomax, unfortunately I had to use window$ for this installation :( Nevertheless, the installation went smoothely and Slax booted smothely on my first usb boot.

I then attempted to create a specific package for Slax, namely netbeans IDE as I'll have to use this in my new job. I installed netbeans on a redhat machine, yawm, and used the slackware package approach.

I installed the netbeans IDE, the profiler, the c/c++ support and the CLDC packages. I also had to install the latest JDK to get the darn thing running. See previous posts for this. Then, I created the packages from this installation. I grouped all the netbeans packages into one huge slackware package, but I'll divide these into a package each later.

Once the package was done I searched for the tgz2mo program, but couldn't find it anywhere for redhat. So I booted with the pendrive and mounted /tmp to a place on the stick with enough space, 1-2 GB.

Then, then I used tgz2mo and the package was created, I inserted the package with uselivemod and fired up the netbeans IDE. This did not start directly since it could not find JDK. I then installed the JDK module and activated netbeans with --jdk-path pointing to the JDK installation.

That fired it up, everything but the emulator worked, this was due to the same GLIBC problem as I met earlier on the redhat installation. I installed the Slax module containing the GLIBC library but that completely broke the Slax installation.

It seems like the boot attempts to install the 2.5 files so I cant boot slax now. I'll see if I can remove the GLIBC 2.5 files and boot teh darn thing again. Then I'll do a proper GLIBC package for Slax created from my fresh slackware distro.

I'll let ya know once I have it running again.


Anders Poulsen said...

Tillykke med dit nye job. Jeg har set efter dig herude hos Nokia, hvor jeg er konsulent for tiden og undret mig over hvor du var.
I øvrigt mangler du at opdatere din email adresse på LinkedIn. Man kan jo ikke komme i kontakt med dig, når adressen stadig er

Anders Poulsen said...

BTW: så er jeg jo selvstændig konsulent, så hvis I skulle få brug for en udvikler, må du jo bare ringe eller skrive :-)